On May 23, 1803, George Jackson, the father of John George Jackson wrote the following which was published in Monday, July 11, 1803 in the “National Intelligencer and Wahington Advertiser,” the first newspaper printed in Washington DC. This excerpt was taken from National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser Newspaper Abstracts 1800-1805 by Joan M. Dixon, Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, Inc., 1996, p. 136.
Letter to expel the slander against my son, John G. Jackson, born Sep 22, 1777 in Hardy Co, Va: his mother removed to Backannon in this county because of the Indian War; I escaped to Clarksburg with my small family; my son resides there; my son was elected to Rep the county of Harrison in Legislature of Va for 3 yrs in 1798, during the last year he married; a Miss Triplett charged that he had violated a marriage promise to her & was awarded $400 damages, upon oath of her sr-in-law, Mrs. Triplett.
(signed) Geo Jackson, Harrison Co., Va, May 23, 1803 Law Intelligence: Frances A Triplett v John G. Jackson, alleged breach of marriage promise. Sept Term, 1802, Dist Crt of Va, Monongalia Crt has before Archibald Stewart, Judge of General Crt. Hedgman Triplett, bro of Frances, never heard any declaration to marry his sister; Mrs. Williams is sister to the defendant; “Jury thought proper to believe her.”
Publication appeared in the Washington Telegraph of Trial between Frances E. Triplet and John G. Jackson, in which Adam Hickman is a witness with a preface that he is a man of low and infamous character, we certify that he is a man of upright disposition and of unblemished character. Apr 20, 1803. Alison Clark, Thos Haymond, Micajah Barkley, Maxwell Armstrong. Benj. Wilson Jr have found him punctual, fair and honorable. Wm G. Payne, Morgantown, May 19th, 1803 was one of the counsel of Mr Jackson and took notes upon the trial.
Submitted by Linda Brake Meyers
Page maintained by Dan Hyde, hyde at bucknell.edu Last update March 12, 2000