March 28, 2020
Stories of our Youth from Ron Jackson
We moved from Jackson’s Mill, WV in 1940, but kept close contact with our Grandparents–Dora & Byron Jackson. They lived & farmed the land across the road from the Main entrance to Jackson’s Mill. We made several visits a year to the farm. During the “War Years” my brother Ray (Buddy) & I spent the summers on the farm.
During our first return visit, in June, 1940, they were cutting hay. This was always a good time because a great many animals lived in the meadow & the activity caused them to scatter to escape. It was great fun chasing rabbits, groundhogs, foxes, etc. Once in a while we would catch a baby rabbit and keep it in a box with hay bedding.
Well, there were other things in that meadow. Our Uncle Eldridge had a box with hay bedding. The box had a cover on it. That was strange. How could you play with the animal if the box had a lid? Buddy & I got curious about the contents in the box. Of course, curiosity got the best of us. We just moved a box closer to “the box,” climbed up & the treasure was ours.
We took the box down & examined it. It was empty except for the hay. A mystery inside a mystery. We had to know the secret. We decided to confront Eldridge to solve the mystery.
Eldridge & Dad were on the porch. We approached them with box in hand. Eldridge took the box away from us. Dad asked him about the contents. It contained 5 baby Copperhead snakes!
This was the only time I can remember my father being angry. He told Eldridge, in no uncertain terms, to get rid of the snakes. The snakes were gone, never to be seen again.
Life on the farm was full of mysteries.
Submitted by Ron Jackson