Bob Zybach has a new video on the fur company “Smith, Jackson, and Sublette”

David Edward “Davy” Jackson (1788–1837), son of Edward, was a famous fur trader in the Northwest.  Jackson Hole, Wyoming is named after him. He was one of those who opened the Oregon Trail having explored many connecting valleys in his life as a trapper. Jedediah Smith, Davy Jackson and William Sublette bought the three year old Rocky Mountain Fur Company in 1826, changing its name to Smith, Jackson, and Sublette.


Jackson Brigade Board member Bob Zybach has produced a video of his 50-minute presentation at the Axe & Fiddle Pub in Cottage Grove, Oregon on July 9, 2024. Videography, including taping, recording, and editing is by Jim Lockhart. The focus of this talk is the 2023 4-day Rendezvous of the Jedediah Smith Society (JSS) that followed his route from northern California along the Oregon Coast to the site of the 1828 “Umpqua Massacre,” and from there to Fort Vancouver.


  The video is Excellent!   I strongly recommend everyone watch it!   The link is


Luckily, Davy was not on this ill-fated trip of the company where 15 of the 19 members were killed by Indians.

Dan Hyde

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